Advanced Overview of

Global Variables

Cosock utilized a few global variables to allow for the potentially recursive nature of lua coroutines.

  • threads: List of all coroutines cosock is aware of
    • This is populated by the first argument to cosock.spawn
  • threadnames: A map of coroutine<->name pairs
    • This is populated by the second argument ot cosock.spawn
  • threadswaitingfor: A map of coroutine<->select args
    • Select args have the type {recvr: table<cosock.socket>, sendr: table<cosock.socket>, timeout: float?}
    • This populated by the values provided to coroutine.yield for cosock tasks from a call to
  • readythreads: A map of coroutine<->resume args that will be ready on the next pass
    • Resume args have the type {recvr = table<cosock.socket>, sendr = table<cosock.socket>, err: string?}
    • This is populated by coroutine wake-ups that occur on the current pass
  • socketwrappermap: A map of luasocket<->cosock socket pairs
    • This map is keyed with the table pointer for the luasocket for easily getting back to a cosock socket when you only have a luasocket
    • This gets populated when a cosock socket is included in a select args table
  • threaderrorhandler: Potential error handler function. Not currently settable.
  • timers: see Timers

Run Loop

To start the loop we define a few local variables. First up is wakethreads, This table will be populated by removing all of the elements from readythreads, which frees up readythreads to be added to by any tasks we are about to wake up. Next are the two list tables sendt and recvt along with the optional integer timeout, these will end up being passed to luasocket's when we run out of ready threads. Now we can move all our readythreads into wakethreads and then loop over all of the ready threads.

For each ready thread, we first check if the coroutine.status for it is "suspended", if it isn't we will skip this thread. For any "suspended" thread, we first cancel any timers that might be scheduled for that thread by calling timers.cancel. Next we pull out the values we stored in threadswaitingfor and call skt:setwaker with nil for any sendr or recvr properties, this will prevent any potential "double wakes" from occurring.

Now we call coroutine.resume with our thread, and the recvr, sendr and err values that were stored in wakethreads. When coroutine.resume completes, we have 2 pieces of information that drive our next path. The first return value from coroutine.resume will indicate if our thread raised an error or not, the second is that we call coroutine.status on our thread. If our thread's status is "dead" and coroutine.resume returned false, something has gone terribly wrong so we raise an error (with a traceback if debug is available). If our thread's status is "dead" and coroutine.resume returned true, we just remove our thread from threads and threadswaitingfor. If our thread's status is "suspended" and coroutine.resume returned true then we first update threadswaitingfor with the remaining return values from coroutine.resume. We also then call skt:setwaker for any sendr and recvr in those values to a function that will clear itself and call the local function wake_thread. At this point we also update our local tables recvt and sendt, to include the skt.inner_sock values from threadswaitingfor which are the luasockets associated with a cosock.socket.

Now that we have resumed all of the wakethreads and filled in our eventual arguments to, we then determine if we are still running, we do this by looping over all of our threads and checking that at least 1 has a coroutine.status that is not "dead". If all threads are "dead" and nothing got added to readythreads then we exit the run loop. Next we update our socketwrappermap by looping over all of the values in threadswaitingfor and insert each recvr and sendr into the key of skt.inner_sock.

With all the bookkeeping done, we run all of the timers that have reached their deadline, and update our local variable timeout to the duration until the shortest remaining timeout. If at least one thread was added to readythreads, we set our timeout to 0, because we already know we have new work to do. At this point if timeout is nil and both sendt and recvt are empty, we raise an error because we are about to call{}, {}, nil) which would just block forever. At this point, we call capturing the values in recvr, sendr and err. If err isn't the value "timeout", we raise that error. If err is nil or "timeout", we loop over all of the values in recvr and sendr, looking up the cosock socket in socketwrappermap and calling skt:_wake which would call the function we provided to setwaker above.

With that complete, we now have a fully updated readythreads and we start the loop again.

Outline Version
  1. Define wakethreads
  2. Define an empty list of senders (sendt), receivers (recvt) and a timeout
  3. Pop all readythreads entries into the wakethreads
  4. Loop over all threads in wakethreads
    1. If coroutine.status for that thread returns "suspended"
      1. Clear any timers
      2. Clear any wakers registered with a timeout
      3. coroutine.resume with the stored recv4, sendr and err arguments
      4. If coroutine.resume returned true in the first position and coroutine.status returns "suspended"
        1. Re-populate threadswaitingfor[thread] with the 3 other return values from coroutine.resume
          1. These should be the recvt, sendt and timeout values that will populate select args
        2. Set the waker for all sockets in recvt and sendt to call wake_thread and then unset themselves
        3. If coroutine.resume returned a timeout, create a new timer for this thread which will call wake_thread_err on expirations with the value "timeout"
      5. if coroutine.status returned "dead"
        1. If coroutine.resume returned false in the first position and no threaderrorhandler has been set
          1. Raise an error
            1. If the debug library is available, include a debug.traceback and the second return value from cosock.resume
            2. Else just raise an error with the second return value from cosock.resume
          2. Exit the application
            1. This calls os.exit(-1)
    2. Else, print a warning message if printing is turned on
  5. Initialize a variable running to false
  6. Loop over all threads, calling coroutine.status on each, if at least 1 doesn't return "dead", set running to true
  7. If running is false and readythreads is empty
    1. Exit the run loop
  8. Loop over all the values in threadswaitingfor
    1. Insert the luasockets on any sendr or recvr parameters to the loop local variables sendt and recvt
    2. Populate socketwrappermap with any sendr or recvrs
  9. Call
  10. If readythreads is not empty
    1. Set timeout to 0
  11. If timeout is falsy and recvt is empty and sendt is empty
    1. Raise an error that was called with no sockets and no timeouts
  12. Call luasocket's with our loops recvt, sendt and timeout
  13. If returns a value in the 3rd position and that value is not "timeout"
    1. Raise an error with that return value
  14. Loop over the recvr (1st) return from
    1. Look up the cosock.socket from socketwrappermap
    2. Call skt:_wake("recvr")
  15. Loop over the sendr (2nd) return from
    1. Look up the cosock.socket from socketwrappermap
    2. Call skt:_wake("sendr")


Internally, we keep a list of timer objects to determine when any thread would have reached the maximum time it should be running/yielding for. We can interact with these through a module local variable timers which has a few associated functions.

Inside of a do block, we create 2 local variables timeouts and refs for use in the timer associated functions.

The first associated function worth discussing is timers.set, which takes the arguments timeout: float, callback: fun() and ref: table. When called, we first capture the current timestamp via socket.gettime(), we then calculate the deadline for this timer by adding timeout to that timestamps into a variable timeoutat. We then table.insert the the table { timeoutat = timeoutat, callback = callback, ref = ref } into timeouts. If ref isn't nil we also populate refs[ref] with that same table.

Next up is timers.cancel which takes the arguments ref: table. When called, we first lookup the timeout info from refs[ref], if we find something there we remove the values in the properties callback and ref and finally we remove the value from refs. By removing the callback we avoid ever calling the consequence of that timer. Eventually it will be removed from timeouts in the next call to run.

Finally we have this function takes no arguments. When called, it first sorts the timeouts table in ascending order by timeoutat, where nil values are the smallest values. We then capture the current timestamp by calling socket.gettime. Now we consult the first element of timeouts, if that table as a timeoutat of nil or is less than now, we pop it off list, if it has a callback property we call that, if it has a ref property we remove it from refs.

Now that all the pending timers are done, we use the new first element of timeouts' timeoutat property to calculate the next relative timeout (timeoutat - now) and return that as the earliest timeout. If timeouts is empty, we return nil.

Outline Version
  • A timer has the shape {timeoutat: float, callback: fun(), ref: table?}
    • timers.set
      • Updates timers to include that value. Also updates a private scoped table named refs
        • refs is a map of table pointer<->timer which is used for cancellation of a timer
    • timers.cancel
      • If the provided table pointer is in refs, remove the callback and ref properties from that table
      • Set the table pointer key in refs to nil
      • Sort all timeouts by deadline (earliest first)
      • Pop the timer off the front of the timers list
      • If that timer.timeoutat is nil or < socket.gettime()
        • Call timer.callback
        • remove this timer from refs
      • If there are any more timeouts left, return how long before that timeout should expire
      • If there are no more timeouts, return nil